• Kingston, No 79 village, Corriverton
  • (+592) 339-2218 / 339-2210
  • Mon - fri: 8:00am - 4:00pm


Small Engines Repairs

A Practical Approach to Small Engines Repairs will provide individuals with the training necessary to carry out maintenance and repairs of small internal combustion engines. These engines are commonly used in portable power equipment such as lawn mowers, leaf blowers, weed wackers and power washers. Emphasis will be placed on small engine diagnosis, servicing, and troubleshooting.

This unit will focus on the basic principles of engine theory, cooling and lubrication systems, fuel systems and ignition systems. Practical activities will involve routine maintenance checks incorporating inspection and replacement of worn components and troubleshooting common operational problems.

Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with an education.
- Mark Twain


To achieve this qualification ALL Mandatory competency plus a minimum of two (2) Level one electives and one (1) Level two elective must be achieved.

Nominal Training Hours (Institutional Delivery) include total hours of Mandatory competencies and Electives selected.

Getting Started