Why Choose Us
successful graduates over last 5 years
successful graduates over last 5 years
full and part time students
Who We Are
The Upper Corentyne Industrial Training Centre (U.C.I.T.C.) is managed by a Board of Governors and is comprised of the Administrator, Chief Instructor, a Learner Representative, a Staff Representative and other members of the Community.
Over the years, courses have been expanded to meet the growing needs of the Industry. Today the Centre boasts of offering courses in Business & Information Communications Technology (ICT), Building and Engineering fields, Agriculture, Home Management and Garment Construction at the Craft Level.
From September 2017 Learners have had the opportunity to pursue studies through Competency Based Education/Training (CBET) methodology.
Info Admission Inquiries
Weekdays AM 8:00 ~ PM 4:00
(+592) 339-2218
Our Professors
Mohani Massiah
Garment Construction -
Duvesh Sukhu
Workshop Assistant -
Natasha Mc Allister
Agricultural Machinery