• Kingston, No 79 village, Corriverton
  • (+592) 339-2218 / 339-2210
  • Mon - fri: 8:00am - 4:00pm


Commercial Food Preparation

The aim of this course is to expose trainees to the proper techniques used when preparing and serving food, as well ensuring proper nutrition. With an emphasis on Occupational health and safety standards and practices, participants in this programme will be taught safe and sanitary procedures for maintaining a healthy environment as well as safely producing food. Additionally, the course allows trainees to explore new and emerging trends in culinary arts.

Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with an education.
- Mark Twain


To achieve this qualification all Mandatory competency standards plus a minimum of one (1) level one elective and two electives from level two must be achieved.

Getting Started