• Kingston, No 79 village, Corriverton
  • (+592) 339-2218 / 339-2210
  • Mon - fri: 8:00am - 4:00pm


Needed Items to complete website

Strikethrough items have been received. 
Highlighted items are priority items. 

About Page

  1. Number of Graduated Students
  2. Percentage of successful graduated students
  3. percentage of graduated students with their own business
  4. Student testimonials
  5. University Bio
  6. University History
    • Year and Significant event that happened that year. eg. anniversary, opening date
  7. University partners if any.
  8. Featured / Popular Skills and courses that are offered.


  1. Description
  2. Cost
  3. Duration
  4. Number of students enrolled currently
  5. Difficulty Level ( Beginner, Intermediate, Expect )
  6. Professor(s)
  7. Course Outline
    • Semesters
    • classes
  8. Certification Type and Description
  9. Skills that will be taught
  10. Department
  11. FAQs if any


  1. Name
  2. Date
  3. Time
  4. Location
  5. Description
  6. Sponsors if any
  7. Photos for past events, maybe just for 2023 or as far back as you’ll like to go


  1. Name
  2. Subject
  3. Department
  4. Photo
  5. Socials
  6. Email
  7. Experience in years
  8. Bio
  9. Qualifications


Can you please outline the application process and how you prefer the online process of applying to work? As detailed as you can.